Tag Archive: Lake Bomoseen

After a relatively late Friday night out (late for me anyways…..yeah, I’m anti-social, have no such thing as a “party on!” button, and my idea of fun is usually defined by what book choices I have available), I slept in and then headed out with my best friend to my uncle’s house to water his plants.  After we figured out how to all the different and complicated ways someone can set up a hose system (believe me, there are many), we changed into our swimsuits and enjoyed probably one of the last water days of the summer.  Lake Bomoseen was actually quite pleasant and the sun was out, meaning good floating and tanning time….well, for one of us at least 🙂  We spent most of the day on the water, playing with the neighbors dogs, and just catching up on a summer’s worth of missed opportunities to see each other.  It was a b-e-a-utiful way to spend one of my last free Saturdays! 

On my way home I stopped by my dad’s job and helped him move his car….it had died the evening before and he had made my sister come pick him up (really, this is quite a regular occurrence with my family and if you knew the track record for our vehicles, you would not be surprised).  The rest of the evening was spent reading (see, that’s my idea of a fun night!) and then hit the sack early.  Not too shabby for  my kind of weekends.

Mid-Summer Life Crisis

Tubing! Who knew bruises could be so much fun....

You know, there’s this saying:  people who don’t have the time to stop and jot down everything that happens to them in their lives are generally too busy having a good time to do it.  I guess you could say that’s my excuse, but I think I would be lying.  The only things that I have been too busy doing this past week are being completely lazy and having a mid-summer life crisis about how close the end of it is.  

It’s my birthday tomorrow (the big nineteen, yeesh) and I go back to my internship soon, not to mention school is looming on the horizon.  I’ve been in one of those panic modes this week, struggling to figure out all the loose ends I need to tie up before life becomes a little more complicated.  So, besides my own insecurities about going back to school, I’ve been up to a few things in between all my attempts to stay decidedly lazy.


Was spent at probably the last book sale of the summer at Pawlet’s elementary school.  It definitely wasn’t as cheap as we would have liked and I didn’t find any real gems, but on the other hand, I did score some Agatha Christie mysteries.  That amazing woman must have written a book a day! 


Another awesome day on lake Bomoseen!  We spent time on the boat, had a great lunch, picked up some ice cream, and went tubing for the first time this summer!  Tubing is……well, it’s one of those things where you have no idea what would ever make  you do it, but somehow, the thrill of shooting across a lake at 20 miles per hour is worth all the

Fun at the lake

 bruises and muscle aches that show up later. 


Super day for my nerves……I couldn’t explain what had my nerves in such a twist, but I was in no mood to hang around the house.  So, I spent a great couple of hours doing some shopping with my best friend – she’s in the process of moving and needed some new accessories for her room. 


Ah today – today we are getting down and dirty – literally.  It’s almost time for our guinea hens to be moved outside, but we still don’t have a coop for them, so we are in the process of clearing out a location to put their own little house in the next few days.   We  are getting ready to pour a cement floor before we can move their hut into place.  It’s a bit of a time-consuming project, but it needs to get done so we’re on it! 

This weekend should be fun and I am planning a trip with friends to Lake George next week.  Things will get a little more talkative on my end by next week, as I start my internship again on Tuesday.  I can’t believe it’s August already – I’m not happy about it, but I know that the more I wish for the clock to rewind, the faster it will spin forward, so I just need to learn to enjoy the last of my vacation. 

You know, I’d laugh if I thought it was funny, but then again, sometimes it doesn’t need to be funny in order to make me laugh.